Pause/Restart Water Service
Reasons to Pause and Restart Water
At times, for example an extended vacation or a house is vacant waiting to be sold, it may be desirable to shut off water service to the property.
Caution must be taken if a fire suppression system uses water provided by the District.
Following such a shutoff, the water service to the property must be resumed. Only the property owner may request this service.
Shut Off Water Service
The minimum period that the water may be shut off is three (3) months.
The request is made to the Business Office using the Water Delivery Service Change Request form.
The office will schedule a meter read on the requested shut-off date, shut off the water service and lock the meter, and initiate the change in the billing status to Non-Connected Service Charge effective the next billing cycle.
Restart Water Service
A property owner may request that the water be turned on. The request is made to the Business Office using the Water Delivery Service Change Request form. The office will schedule a meter read on the requested turn-on date, the system operators will turn on the water service and the Business Office will change the billing status to Connected Service Fee (Tap Service Charge) effective the current billing cycle of the request date.