Change in Property Ownership
If selling your home, please tell the realtor, buyers, and closing company that your water service is provided by the East Boulder County Water District. Even though the water itself originates with the City of Lafayette, the City cannot provide the information about our system or our bills.
There are several actions that must be taken when a property that is part of the District changes ownership.
The Business Office must be notified of the sale.
When the final billing for the existing owner is requested in preparation of closing documents, a final meter read is made and the final charges due to the District, including any unpaid balance, is provided to the title company and the water to the property is shut-off.
The buyer of the property must contact the Business Office, providing their information.
When water service is requested, the Business Office will notify the system operators to obtain an initial meter read and to turn on the water. This meter reading will be used to determine the first water bill.