

The District has contracted with FLW, Inc. for accounting, billing, and bookkeeping support. The contact information is:

Mary Wagner
303.554.0031 mailbox #1

Payment must be made by check or bank bill pay, which generates a check payable to the EBCWD.

Budget Billing Arrangement

The District is offering an annual Budget Billing Arrangement process to assist with the higher summer water bills. While the District continues to encourage conservation through a tiered water rate structure, it also recognizes the value of landscaping and its benefits to both the homeowner and the neighborhood.

The purpose of the Budget Billing Arrangement is to level-out water service payments, much like the "Budget Billing program" offered by Xcel Energy. The Billing Arrangement is for the duration of a single calendar year, with a new request required for the next year. The District does not pay interest on any credit balances.

Establishing a Budget Billing Arrangement

To establish a Budget Billing Arrangement, call the Bookkeeper to be notified of the monthly arrangement amount. For existing customers, the monthly payment amount must be equal to one-twelfth (1/12) of the total amount paid for water service for the previous year. For new customers, the monthly payment will be established following several months of water service; and, maybe adjusted as required after higher usage water bills have occurred. If not started in January, a one-time payment is required that equals the number of months that have elapsed multiplied by the monthly payment amount minus the total of payments made to date of the request.

Terminating a Budget Billing Arrangement

The Budget Billing Arrangement can be ended by the customer at anytime, by calling the Bookkeeper and with the payment of any outstanding balance due. If there is a credit balance at the time the Billing Arrangement is ended, no further payment(s) are required until a balance due condition occurs. A Budget Billing Arrangement may not be reinstated once cancelled for that calendar year.

How Billing Works Under a Budget Billing Arrangement

With a Budget Billing Arrangement in place, and with Billing Arrangement monthly payments current, the District will not charge interest when the water bill is greater than credit balance or monthly payment amount. Each monthly statement will show any credit balance or balance due. If there is a credit balance, no payments will be required beginning in October, until there is a balance due. If there is a balance due, it must be paid in full with the November billing payment. If a credit balance exists after the December billing, the customer may continue to apply that credit balance to the account.

Continuing Budget Billing for Another Year

If desired, a new Budget Billing Arrangement request must be arranged with the Bookkeeper for the next calendar year using the most recent year's total water bill to determine the monthly payment amount. Any balance due from the previous year must be paid before the District will approve a new Budget Billing Arrangement.